GRIT students celebrate their success at Lancing Fire Station


Release date: 9 June 2023

Twelve young people aged 16 – 23 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have successfully completed the latest GRIT course run by West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service.

The course aims to create a positive experience to inspire young people and give them the opportunity to learn a range of skills and grow in confidence. It focuses on building personal resilience, healthy relationships, and stronger communities, as well as improving physical and mental health.

During the four-day course, the students from Brighton Forward learnt about fire safety and took part in drill yard skills including running hoses and squirting water, first aid training, and teambuilding exercises.

A special pass out parade was held to celebrate the students’ achievements on Thursday (8 June) at Lancing Fire Station in front of family, friends, and the High Sherriff of West Sussex, Andrew Bliss.

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service’s Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Peter Rickard, attended the event and presented the young people with their certificates.

Speaking after the event, he said: “I was delighted to meet the young people who took part in our latest GRIT SEND course.

“It was fantastic to see how much they have learnt in just four days. Not only that, but they have also grown in confidence and developed close friendships with each other, which is lovely to see.

“This programme has been designed to support young people with a range of special educational needs and disabilities to foster a wide set of personal strengths, skills, and self-belief to prepare them for adult life.

“We’re proud to be able to offer these courses and we know they make a real difference to the lives of young people across West Sussex. I had one student tell me personally how much this course has helped with their confidence which was a particularly touching moment.”

People can find out more about West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service’s Targeted Education programmes.

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