Essential work starts soon on A29 Shripney Road

"Improvement projects of this nature do cause disruption for both residents and businesses, for which we apologise, but will lead to long-term benefits"


Release date: 9 August 2022

Essential carriageway resurfacing is scheduled to take place on a section of the A29 Shripney Road, from 15 August to 20 August.

The existing surface, on the southbound carriageway between the Rowan Way and Orchard Way roundabouts, is showing signs of significant weakening: the new one will be smoother, which will reduce road noise. It will also be more resilient to potholes.

Subject to unknown factors, such as severe weather, hours of work will be 8pm to 6am.

A West Sussex County Council spokesperson said: “This is a busy, major road and, having carefully considered the wider disruption to the public that would be caused in the daytime, we have chosen over-night works instead.

“Improvement projects of this nature do cause disruption for both residents and businesses, for which we apologise, but will lead to long-term benefits. Every effort will be made to try to minimise the inconvenience: for example, our contractor will try its best to carry out the noisiest operations in the earliest part of the evening and before 11pm.”

The section of Shripney Road, southbound, will be closed to all through-traffic when the resurfacing work is taking place. Vehicles will be diverted via a signed diversion route. Access roads may also be affected at times.

“We will do our best to maintain access but delays may occur for operational and/or safety reasons.”

Vehicular access to businesses will be maintained as far as possible but there could be delays and diversions. Pedestrian access will be maintained.

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