Enforcement cameras go live to help bus travel in Broadbridge Heath

Cameras installed to deter drivers from using bus lanes in Broadbridge Heath village.


Release date: 12 December 2022

An enforcement camera has been installed to try and deter drivers from using bus lanes in Broadbridge Heath village.

The installation is a new approach to tackling a localised traffic management issue.

A two-way bus gate system was introduced in Broadbridge Way in 2019 and alterations were made in 2021 to support bus travel as a sustainable mode of transport, which formed part of the planning application to divert the original A281 traffic on to the newly-constructed A264.

However, a significant number of drivers ignored the “bus only” signage, and highways officers have since been working with the parish council, district council and police to try to find a solution.

This is the first County Council led (as opposed to developer-led) bus gate enforcement site. Warning notices, rather than Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), are currently being issued to give fair warning of the new enforcement regime. The start date for PCNs to be issued is now imminent.

Taking measures to support sustainable transport options is reflected as one of the four priorities in Our Council Plan – helping to create a sustainable and prosperous economy.

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