Drainage improvement works to take place in Haywards Heath


Release date: 21 July 2023

Drainage improvement works will be taking place on Lewes Road and Franklynn Road, Haywards Heath from Monday 24 July to Monday 4 September 2023.

The existing highway drainage has exceeded its lifespan and has begun to fail. As a result, flooding occurs outside of Princess Royal Hospital in the bus lay-by. The drainage will be replaced and additional gullies will be installed to allow water to drain effectively and reduce future risk of flooding.

Cllr Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways, said: “To minimise disruption to residents and those using the roads, no roads will be closed during the works, but traffic management will be in place which will impact on access to the Princess Royal Hospital. Please bear this in mind when attending any appointments at the hospital.”

“The work will be taking place in the bus lay-by outside of the hospital which may also require the bus stop to be temporarily re-located during this time, but it will stay within the immediate vicinity.”

The work will take place during the day to minimise noise disruption to residents. However, traffic management will have to remain on the carriageway overnight due to the open excavations which would pose a risk to highway users.

The works are in line with our Council Plan aim of supporting a sustainable and prosperous economy through providing a safer, more efficient and overall resilient transport network.

Full information on the closure can be found on https://one.network

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