Youth Justice Service , West Sussex


The Youth Justice Service aims to reduce offending behaviour by children. We support children to understand and change their behaviour, as well as help them to access opportunities and make positive choices about their futures.

What we do

  • Everyone in our service will have a case manager. The case manager will undertake an individual assessment with a child and their parent or carer. From the assessment the case manager will design an intervention plan to address the needs identified.
  • We work with parents of children who are offending and victims of offending to help keep communities safer.
  • We work with children who have been arrested by the Police and have been referred to us for consideration for an Out of Court Disposal or who are subject to Orders imposed by the Court.
  • We work with all types of disability. Some of the work we do will include: learning to understand angry feelings, thinking about the victims of crime, repairing the harm crime can cause, provide information and support to reduce drug use.
  • The service is also based at Bridge House, Worthing and Durban House, Bognor.

Age range


Wheelchair accessible


Free to use


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