Local Offer: Service details request form - 8250 Use this form to ask us to add your service or organisation to the West Sussex Local Offer directory (opens in new window).You can also use this form to ask us to amend or remove an existing entry.It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.Please allow yourself enough time to complete this form in one session as there is not an option to save and come back to it later. The questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and require an answer. Your data privacyBefore completing this form please read our general Privacy Policy (opens in a new window).Please read our Local Offer privacy notice (opens in a new window). This explains why we ask for your data, what we do with it and how long we will keep it. It also explains how you can find out what data we hold about you and how you can ask us to delete it. What would you like to do? * Select the relevant option. Add a new entry Amend an entry Delete an entry Local Offer: Service details request form - 8250 Your service contact details Service name * Enter the name of your service. This is what will appear as the title for your entry in the directory. Address Enter your service's address if appropriate. This will appear on your directory entry. Postcode Enter your service's postcode. This will appear on your directory entry. Adding a postcode will also allow your entry to display a map pinpointing your location. Phone number * Enter the phone number for your service. This will appear on your directory entry. Alternative phone number Enter an alternative phone number if you have one. This will appear on your directory entry. Email address * Enter the email address for your service so that people can contact you. This will appear on your directory entry. Your service website and social media Website Provide a website address for your service if you have one. For example https://www.example.com. Please ensure the address provided is correct and goes to a live website. This will appear on your directory entry. Facebook page Provide a link to your service's Facebook page if you have one. For example, https://www.facebook.com/facebookname. This will appear on your directory entry. X (Twitter) page Provide a link to your service's X (Twitter) page if you have one. For example, https://www.twitter.com/twittername. This will appear on your directory entry. Link to the page on your website that relates to Local Offer If your website has a page about Local Offer, provide the link to it here. For example, https://www.example.com/local_offer. This will appear on your directory entry. Videos about your serviceIf you have a video hosted on YouTube that gives more information about your service, you can include this in your directory entry. You will need to provide the 'share video' link. From your video on YouTube:click 'share' (located under the video)select 'embed'click the 'copy' button in the bottom right and paste the copied code into the correct place on this form.Please note that your video must meet accessibility requirements such as providing full, accurate captions and audio descriptions where required. We cannot publish any video on our site that does not meet these requirements. YouTube video If you have a YouTube video about your service you would like to include on your entry, provide the embed code for it here. Service users and testimonials Do users have to pay to use your service? * Select yes or no. This will appear on your directory entry. Yes No Further payment information Provide any additional information about payments for your service. For example does your service accept voluntary donations? This information will be included in your service description. Are your service's premises wheelchair accessible? * Select the relevant answer. This will appear on your directory entry. Yes No Other Further accessibility information Enter any additional information about the accessibility of your service or premises. This information will be added to your published service description. Additional accessibility information * As you have selected 'Other' for the previous question, provide further information. This information may be added to your published service description. Do users of your service require a referral? * Select yes or no. This information will appear on your directory entry. Yes No Does your service require users to complete an application? * Select yes or no. This information will appear on your directory entry. Yes No What is the lowest age that you service is appropriate for? Enter the lowest age that a service user could be. This will appear on your directory entry. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 What is the highest age that your service is appropriate for? Enter the highest age that a service user could be. This will appear on your directory entry. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 and above. Service testimonials If you have any testimonials from customers that highlight what you do well you can add them here. This will appear on your directory entry. Please do not include any personally identifiable information in the details, such as full names. What your service does Please provide a description of your service that will appear under the 'About' section of your directory entry. This should be a general description of your service.You are also asked to provide at least one and up to five bullet points of specific information or facts about what your service does, which will appear under the 'What we do' area. For example "We meet on Monday evenings at 7.00pm at the village hall" or "We offer counselling services".Please keep the text for each bullet point short and succinct, for example limited to two sentences.You will need to make sure you keep this information up to date. General summary of your service * Give some general information about your service so that people will understand what your service does or provides. This will appear on your directory entry. 'What we do' bullet point one * Provide the text for the first bullet point. This will appear on your directory entry. 'What we do' bullet point two Provide the text for the second bullet point. This will appear on your directory entry. 'What we do' bullet point three Provide the text for the third bullet point. This will appear on your directory entry. 'What we do' bullet point four Provide the text for the fourth bullet point. This will appear on your directory entry. 'What we do' bullet point five Provide the text for the fifth bullet point. This will appear on your directory entry. Key words that describe your service Enter some key words that describe your service. For example swimming, transport, museum and so on. This information will help your entry to appear in relevant search results. CategorisationFrom the groups below select any terms that apply to what your service does. This will help us to ensure that your service entry appears under the relevant filter options in the Local Offer directory. Activities Select any terms that apply. Arts, crafts and photography Music, theatre and film Outdoor activities Short breaks Sport Disabilities and support Select any terms that apply. Autism or social communication Cognition and learning Hearing impairment Parent Carer Support Groups Physical Sensory Social, emotional and mental health Speech and language Visual impairment Learning and education Select any terms that apply. Early years and childcare Inclusion in education Maintained Special Schools and Support Centres Primary schools Secondary schools Training Living well Select any terms that apply. Legal advice Money National charities Safety Transport Preparing for adulthood Select any terms that apply. Community inclusion Employment Health and wellbeing (Post 18) Independent living Post 16 education and training Local Offer: Service details request form - 8250 Amend entry Delete entry Link to your current entry * Please provide the direct link to the current service entry on our directory (opens in new window) that you would like to amend. For example, https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/local-offer/services/details/api/type/localoffers/view/entry Service name * Confirm your service name. This will be the title of your service on our directory. Please enter the name exactly as it currently appears. Amendments required * Describe the changes that you would like made to your entry. Confirm removal * Confirm that you would like the entry specified to be removed from our local offer directory. Local Offer: Service details request form - 8250 Correspondence Correspondence email address * Provide an email address where we can contact you. This doesn't have to be the public email address on your entry but should be an address regularly monitored and that can be used to verify your request. When you submit your information it will be sent to the Local Offer team for review. If we have any queries about your information we will contact you by email. Successful entries will usually be added to the directory within 21 days.Click the submit button only once.Please be patient as it will take a few moments to process your form and redirect you to our confirmation page.