Further education

Colleges in and around West Sussex offering further education.

Below is a list of a number of colleges in and around West Sussex that offer further education.

You may be aware of other schools in West Sussex offering 6th Form opportunities, which may be more appropriate for some at this stage.

Making decisions

Look online or contact the college to find out what courses they are running as this changes from year to year.

You can speak to an advisor at the FindItOut Centre in your area or to a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support (SENDIAS) Young Person Advisor to find out more about what is available after 16.

Further support

As well as supporting parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), the SENDIAS service also supports children and young people directly to express their views, wishes and aspirations.

Children and young people can call the helpline and ask to speak to a Young Person Adviser, or email us on:

After the first contact, it is also possible to communicate with us by text message or WhatsApp.