Choosing a school
Information about different types of school for children with SEND.
Admissions to school for children with an EHCP
How the school admission process works for children with Education Health Care Plans - including mainstream and specialist provision.
Support for my child in school
What SEND or mental health support you can expect from your child's mainstream school.
Travel to schools and colleges
School transport for children and young people with SEND, including post-16 and college transport.
Special education needs and disabilities (SEND) funding in schools
How schools are funded for children and young people with special educational needs SEND.
Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs)
Information about getting and reviewing EHCPs.
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)
Supporting children and young people who have severe difficulty in attending school due to emotional factors.
School Exclusions
Support and Information about school exclusions.
Further education
Colleges in and around West Sussex offering further education.
Independent Alternative Provision (IAP)
The process to access alternative provision and lists of alternative education providers.