English as an additional language (EAL) support

Guidance and support for parents of children and young people (CYP) using English as an additional language.

Key priorities

We suggest:

  • continuing to speak to your child in your home language
  • getting involved in school life
  • supporting your child with homework
  • working to improve your own English.

Advice for parents - videos introducing the English education system

West Sussex Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) have put together a series of videos for parents and carers of children for whom English is an additional language (EAL) and who are new to the English education system.

The videos are available in different languages, made by members of the EMTAS team and other bilingual professionals working in schools across West Sussex.

They give useful information on topics including:

  • Where will my child go to school?
  • At what age do children start going to school in England?
  • What is school like?
  • What will my child need?
  • What will my child eat for lunch?
  • What do children study at school?
  • How will school communicate with me?

Introduction to Primary education in England

This video is for parents and carers of primary school children, aged 4 to 11 years old. The languages available are:

Introduction to Secondary education in England

This video is for parents and carers of secondary school children, aged 11 to 18 years old. The languages available are:

Understanding autism and social communication needs for bilingual families

The West Sussex Autism in Schools Project team and have worked together with EMTAS to produce a resource for bilingual families who are supporting an autistic child or a child on the autistic diagnostic pathway.

The West Sussex Autism in Schools Project is a collaborative project between West Sussex County Council’s Autism and Social Communication Team (ASCT) and West Sussex Parent Carer Forum (WSPCF).

Understanding autism and social communication needs

English version

7 mins

Other available languages

The Understanding Autism and social communication needs video is available in a number of additional languages including:

Useful links

For parent carers to assist their children

For EAL parents to improve their English skills