Working together to improve the Local Offer

We want to improve our Local Offer and respond to the needs of families.

We will improve our Local Offer by working with parent carers and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in West Sussex.

During the first three months since the new website launched in May 2024, parents, carers and practitioners told us that they wanted:

  • information that is easy to search and find on the Local Offer website
  • up-to-date information that accurately describes services
  • a full range of information, in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice (2014)
  • easy ways to feedback and know that comments are listened to and acted upon

How we will work together to improve the Local Offer

In September 2024, we will be starting the Local Offer Steering Group, which will meet six times a year, to improve the Local Offer service and act on feedback from parents, carers and young people.

We will report back on this page after each meeting so that you know what we are working on and the reasons for this.

Where we find gaps in information or services, we will feed this back to people who make decisions about which services to pay for.

West Sussex Parent Carer Forum is invited to represent parent carers and West Sussex Young Voices will represent children and young people with a range of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

If you are a young person (up to the age of 25) with SEND, who is interested in getting your voice heard and improving services across West Sussex, please contact West Sussex Young Voices.

Meeting families and young people around West Sussex

From November 2024, we will also be visiting groups and organisations in West Sussex to share what we have done so far and ask for feedback. If you are interested in hosting a Local Offer information and feedback session, please email

We will be visiting Family Hubs, local groups and events and Young Voices meetings to get feedback from different groups of people over the course of the next year.

Giving feedback about the Local Offer

We welcome your views, thoughts and suggestions about the Local Offer. You can give us feedback about the Local Offer by emailing

We will publish feedback in a ‘You asked…we did…’ format in this area of the website every six months. The first report, August 2024 to January 2025 feedback, will be published in February 2025.