Library policies

West Sussex Library Service local societies and organisations inclusion policy.

West Sussex Library Service aims to promote the interests of the local community by providing free access to, and inclusion on the West Sussex local societies database. Those societies included have particular reference to education/lifelong learning, culture and leisure and community services.

We reserve the right to:

  • decide whether or not an organisation can be included on the database
  • edit and amend the information provided where necessary to maintain the accuracy and consistency of the database
  • delete an organisation after six weeks of the annual update letter being sent out if we receive no response
  • select and amend the category in which the information is held.

The organisation:

  • should provide legal, accurate, informative and non-discriminatory information
  • should respond to the annual email (or letter) from West Sussex Library Service, whether or not there are any changes, in order to maintain accurate information
  • if additional information can be given, it should be brief and concise.

All information is provided by the organisations themselves, but inclusion on the database does not constitute endorsement or guarantee of quality, nor does omission indicate disapproval.

Please note: Commercial and profit-making organisations will generally not be included on the database.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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