Events licence

Apply for a licence to hold a public event in Chichester, Bognor Regis or Littlehampton.

1 What you need to know

If you want to hold a public event you will need to apply for a licence.

You can apply to us if you want to hold an event in:

  • Chichester - East Street, North Street or The Cross
  • Bognor Regis - Town centre precinct
  • Littlehampton - Town centre precinct

If you want to hold an event in any other part of West Sussex, you will need to contact the relevant district or borough council.

If you plan to collect money for charity you will also need a street collection licence which is available from the relevant district or borough council.

2 Apply for a licence

Please read the terms and conditions before completing the application form.

Online application form (external link)

Applications take 10 days to be processed. Once your application has been approved we will send you a letter confirming the date and time of your event booking.

You must include a copy of your public liability insurance with your application.

You can also request an application form by phoning us on 01243 777100

3 Application terms and conditions

  1. The pre-planned activity shall be adequately marshalled if applicable. Please include details of marshalling arrangements with the application. 
  2. The pre-planned activity shall be carried out so as to cause no danger to any member of the public or property.
  3. No member of the public shall be unreasonably interrupted in their use of the highway.
  4. All organisers, marshals and persons participating in the pre-planned activity shall, at all times, be subject to, and must comply with, any directions which may be given by police officers, traffic wardens or authorised officers from the county council or district councils.
  5. The county council shall be indemnified against any actions, proceedings, claims, damages and liabilities which may be taken, made or incurred, consequent upon, or arising in connection with, the pre-planned activity.
  6. A stand, stall or similar structure may be brought into the precinct area only when prior permission has been granted by the county council.
  7. No motor vehicle shall be allowed to enter the precinct area.
  8. No collection of money is to be made unless a street collection licence has been issued by the relevant district or borough council.
  9. Any amplification shall be kept to a reasonable level and the amplification will be immediately turned off if requested by a police officer, traffic warden, officer of West Sussex County Council or officer from the Environmental Health Department of the district council.
  10. No sales of pre-recorded music tapes or CDs will be permitted.
Last updated:
21 October 2024
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