Textiles waste

Information on how you can recycle clothing and other textiles.

Reusing clothes and textiles

In 2021/22 residents threw away nearly 5,800 tonnes of unwanted clothes, towels, blankets and sheets into their general rubbish at home, even though most of these textiles could have been repaired, reused or recycled.

Before deciding to recycle your textiles, consider whether they could be re-purposed, or if someone else could use them.

If you have clothes that just need repairing, or could be reused, visit The Big Fix page for help and advice.

If you don't want the clothes or textiles anymore, most charity shops will take clothes that are in good condition. Alternatively, try arranging a 'swishing' event, where clothes are swapped between friends, neighbours or communities.

There are also lots of sites on the internet where you can sell good quality clothes, shoes and textiles.

Why not donate good conditioned old clothes to your local charity shop? Most charity shops will also take rag if it is bagged up separately and labelled as such.

Kerbside recycling textile collections in West Sussex

If your clothes or textiles are beyond repair or reuse, you can take them to your local recycling centre or nearest textile bank site. Some of the districts and boroughs in West Sussex offer kerbside textile collections, more information on how to use these services can be found below:

Arun District Council

Kerbside textile collections are not currently available, please use local textile banks or recycling centres.

Adur and Worthing Councils

Kerbside textile collections are not currently available, please use local textile banks or recycling centres.

Crawley Borough Council

The kerbside textile collection service is available to all individual households or where small two-wheeled communal bins are provided at smaller blocks of flats. Textiles for recycling can be placed in a carrier bag and put out with the red-topped recycling bin.

Chichester District Council

Kerbside textile collections are offered to 75% of households in the district as part of CDCs textiles, small electrical and coffee pod recycling service. Residents can book a textile collection and leave textiles out for recycling on their designated day. To see if you are eligible visit the Chichester District Council website.

Horsham District Council

Textile collections are offered kerbside to all residents. Collections must be booked online and residents are asked to leave textiles out in a carrier bag on their designated day.

Mid Sussex District Council

Kerbside textile collections are not currently available, please use local textile banks or recycling centres.

Find your nearest textile bank by postcode or town

What textiles can and can't be recycled at our recycling centres

What textiles can and can't be recycled at our recycling centres.
Textile Yes please No thanks
  • Any used clean dry clothing items
  • Soiled or wet clothing
  • Used facemasks
  • Sheets
  • Pillowcases
  • Duvet covers
  • Blankets
  • Duvets
  • Pillows
  • Paired shoes
  • Belts
  • Handbags
  • Odd shoes
  • Jewellery
  • Towels
  • Tea towels
  • Curtains
  • Table linen
  • Carpets
  • Rugs
  • General waste

Items from textiles banks at recycling centres are collected and sorted into different categories.

Clothes and shoes that still have some life left in them will be sorted and sent for reuse.

Old, well-worn or torn textiles will be recycled by shredding. They are then used to manufacture a range of cleaning cloths, flock rags and felt materials used in automotive sound proofing and mattress stuffing.