What does a Waste Prevention Advisor volunteer do?

A poem by the West Sussex Waste Prevention Advisors May 2024.

Last updated

24 June 2024

Each one of them was worried about waste,
but they didn't want to act alone or in haste.

To the Waste Prevention Team one by one they came,
for answers on how recycling can find fame.

So they have completed their online eLearning,
because they collectively had a deep yearning.

To share and impart,
what goes in each dustcart.

To reduce waste is their aim,
and to work with West Sussex is their game.

So along to events they come,
armed with knowledge and a great sense of fun.

To inspire and inform all,
yes, they even come to your local village hall!

They help with tours at the Materials Recycling Facility,
armed with ear defenders and hi-viz jackets increasing their visibility.

Their presentations are crisp and clear,
sometimes, well, they even get a cheer!

They say, composting at home can be fun,
advise, try to site your bin in some sun.

Add wriggling worms, browns and greens,
soon you will joyfully know what it means,
to be feeding your garden and plants
with fabulous free compost and eco stance!

They encourage the use of your local Recycling Centre,
They even show you how to book so that you can enter.

The Waste Prevention Advisor volunteers keenly know,
local schools are good places to go.

Armed with all of the Wastebuster tools,
they readily recount the 3R rules.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is their creed,
recycling can be fun, everyone agreed.