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Ford MRF booking and feedback form

Use this form to contact us about Ford Materials Recycling Facility.

Ford MRF booking and feedback form - 11369

  • This form will take approximately 5 minutes to complete for general enquires or 15 minutes for booking enquiries.
  • Please allow yourself enough time to complete this form in one session as there is not an option to save and come back to it later.
  • The questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and require an answer. You do not have to answer all of the other questions, but it would help us if you do.

Your data privacy

Before completing this form please read our general Privacy Policy (opens in a new window).

This explains why we ask for your data, what we do with it and how long we will keep it. It also explains how you can find out what data we hold about you and how you can ask us to delete it.

Please note that your enquiry and details will be passed on to Biffa. Please see Biffa's privacy statement (opens in a new window).

Your details

Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter an email address where we can write to you.
Enter a daytime phone number that we can ring you on. This can be a mobile or landline number.

Your enquiry

What is your enquiry about? * Select the type of enquiry.

Your booking details

Due to health and safety, children must be aged 7 years or above to attend. Be aware that any visitors fitted with a pacemaker are restricted to the Education Centre.

Where possible please car share when travelling to the MRF as parking at the site is limited.

Who are you booking a visit for? * Select who will be visiting.

Provide the name of your organisation or group.
Enter the address of your organisation.
Enter the age of the youngest visitor. Visitors must be at least 7 years old.
Enter the age of the oldest visitor.
Enter the number of pupils or young people who will be visiting. The maximum number is 30.
Enter the number of people who will be visiting. This must be a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 14.
Does your group have any accessibility requirements? * Select if your group have any accessibility requirements, such as wheelchair access.

Describe the accessibility requirements your group has.
Do you have any accessibility requirements? * Select if you have any accessibility requirements, such as wheelchair access.

Describe the accessibility requirements you have.
What type of vehicle will you be using when you visit? Select the vehicle type.

Enter any particular interests you have.
Enter the date you would like to visit from using numbers following the format dd/mm/yyyy, for example 01/11/2021.
Enter the latest date you would like to visit using numbers following the format dd/mm/yyyy, for example 20/04/2022.
Enter details of your enquiry.

Submitting your form

Click the submit button only once.

Please be patient as it will take a few moments to process your form and redirect you to our confirmation page.

Last updated:
27 June 2024
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