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Book a visit to Brookhurst Wood MBT form

Use this form to book a visit to Brookhurst Wood.

Request a visit to Brookhurst Wood MBT - 10934

  • This form will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
  • Please allow yourself enough time to complete this form in one session as there is not an option to save and come back to it later.
  • The questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and require an answer. You do not have to answer all of the other questions, but it would help us if you do.

Your details

Enter your first name.
Enter your last name.
Enter your address name or number. This could your flat, house or building name or number.
Enter the first line of your address. This could be your street name.
Enter the second line of your address if you need to. This could be your village name.
Enter the town or city of your postal address.
Enter your postcode, with or without spaces.
Enter an email address where we can write to you.
Enter a daytime phone number that we can ring you on. This can be a mobile or land line number.
Type of group * Please specify if you are a school group, an adult group or an individual. Adult groups must be a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 14.

Let us know how many children you wish to bring to the site, and what the ages range from and to. The maximum size of group is 40.
Let us know of any accessibility requirements or health issues that you or members of your group may have.
Enter a date you would like to visit written as dd/mm/yyyy, taking into account the opening hours of the site. We will contact you to agree a date.
Transport to the site * Let us know how you and your group will be getting to the site. Parking is limited so please car share where possible.

If there is anything about the site or its operation that you are particularly interested in let us know and we will try and cover it during your visit. Please note that visitors fitted with a pacemaker are restricted to the educational centre.

Submitting your form

Click the submit button only once.

Please be patient as it will take a few moments to process your form and redirect you to our confirmation page.

Last updated:
28 June 2024
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