Proof of residency at Recycling Centres

Why we ask you to prove where you live when using our Recycling Centres.

Residents are required to show ID when they visit a West Sussex Recycling Centre (RC) for proof of residency. Access to centres will be denied if you do not have proof of address or are not a West Sussex council taxpayer.

Special arrangement for East Grinstead RC

Surrey County Council make a contribution to the running costs of the East Grinstead centre and therefore, in addition to West Sussex residents, Surrey residents in the following postcodes are allowed access:

  • RH7 6
  • RH10 3
  • RH19 2
  • RH19 3
  • TN8 7
  • TN8 5
  • TN8 6

In order to gain access, residents from these postcode areas will need to show one form of identification from the list below.

Acceptable forms of ID

Residents need to show one form of identification from the list below. Any other form of identification will not be accepted at the centre.

  • Current driving licence (photo card or paper licence will be accepted) - preferred option
  • Council Tax bill - from the current financial year
  • Utility bill (gas, electric or water) - less than a year old
  • TV licence less than a year old
  • Letter from HMRC or the Home Office - less than a year old
  • Current bus pass
  • Current disabled parking permit

Reasons for the change

Strong evidence shows that people living outside West Sussex are using our Recycling Centres (RCs). This has resulted in West Sussex County Council (WSCC) paying substantial waste disposal charges and increased congestion from the extra traffic coming to our centres.

Providing proof of residency enables us to better control the process. We expect some traffic delays at our centres initially, however, we are committed to providing residents with a high-quality service and this will not change.

The scheme only applies to RCs (including the two mobile centres) in West Sussex, as other counties have their own policies in place. If you do not live in West Sussex you can obtain details of your local RC by contacting your local authority.

All our centres are for household waste only. Find information about how to dispose of business and commercial waste.

How the checks will work

  • Centre staff will only ask to see your proof of address - they will not record or keep this information.
  • Each time you arrive at a centre you will be met by a member of staff within the entrance area.
  • You will be asked to show your ID (the address must be clearly visible and also the photo if photographic ID is being shown).
  • Staff will check your address and postcode to establish that you are a West Sussex resident.
  • If your ID is valid you will be directed into the centre to dispose of your waste. 
  • Failure to bring appropriate identification from the specified list will result in you being unable to use the centre.

All centres have CCTV and if you are refused entry and leave waste outside the centre you will be liable to prosecution. See information on fly tipping at the bottom of the page.

If you have a holiday home or caravan, you will be able to use the RC and/or mobile centre if you can provide evidence that you pay Council Tax to WSCC.

Managing the potential environmental impact

The proposal will mean that some non-West Sussex residents will need to travel further to a centre in their own area. It is hoped that this may be mitigated by means such as:

  • making fewer trips
  • home composting
  • further use of kerbside collection services (recycling, garden waste collections and so on)
  • charity donations or selling items.

Van, pickup and trailer waste permits

Van, pickup and trailer waste permits are no longer required under the terms and conditions of the Book To Recycle scheme.

Fly tipping

Fly tipping is a criminal offence, punishable by a fine of up to £50,000 or 12 months' imprisonment if convicted in a magistrates' court. The offence can attract an unlimited fine and up to five years' imprisonment if convicted in a Crown Court.

You can report incidents of fly tipping to the district or borough council in which the fly tipping has occurred.

Last updated:
3 July 2024
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