Safe and Well Visit
Request a free safety visit for advice on making your home safer.
Smoke alarms
How to choose the right smoke alarm for your home and where to install it.
Kitchen safety
Tips on how to keep safe while cooking.
Electrical and heating appliance safety advice
Advice on staying warm and safe in your home.
Barbecue fire safety
Find out how to remain safe when using a barbecue.
High-rise premises
Fire safety advice for high-rise buildings.
Have your chimney swept regularly to prevent a fire.
Fire safety booklets
Fire safety booklets and links to more information on protecting you, your family and your home.
Seasonal safety advice
Find out how to remain safe on Bonfire night and when using fireworks.
Arson fires
Information about how to prevent arson attacks.
Internal doors
Close internal doors at night to prevent the spread of fire.
DIY safety
Our top safety tips when carrying out do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvements.
Emollients and paraffin-based skin creams
Advice on keeping safe when using emollient creams.
Smoking and e-cigarettes
Tips on how to keep safe when smoking or using e-cigarettes.
Fire service information, including recruitment, safety advice and training courses.