Devices and data

  • For personal use, devices can be accessed at low cost from:

    If you are aware of any other offers locally or nationally, please let us know by email:

  • Organisations can access devices through the following:

    • Ofcom - listing available social tariffs offering low cost broadband packages for people on low income.
    • Uswitch - cheap deals on SIM data packages.
    • Vodafone - free SIMs for organisations to access and distribute to clients.
    • Good Things Foundation - organisations can also sign up to the National Data Bank to access SIMs to distribute to clients.
  • The digital switchover is a change actioned by Openreach and will be affecting all providers to move from the old analogue network to a digital solution. The old network is energy hungry and at risk of degrading.

    What this means for residents

    We have been speaking with the team at BT who will be rolling out 'Digital Voice' for customers. They have assured us that residents:

    • will be able to keep existing phone numbers
    • won’t need to pay any more, and
    • 99 percent of phones will work with the new digital provider.

    The digital switch means that scam calls can be intercepted and in general will make the service more secure.

    On the 18 December 2023, Lucy Baker at BT made an announcement about signing up to the charter of commitments.

    This means that switchovers are temporarily paused in the following categories for all customers:

    • with a healthcare pendant
    • who are aged over 70
    • who only use landlines
    • with no mobile signal
    • who have disclosed any additional needs.

    For all other customers, BT is planning to make the switch in spring 2024 in the south east.

    Further information

    At our last partnership meeting, Chris Hockley joined us to talk us through the switchover and BT Digital Voice.

    You can access the recording on YouTube.