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If you require a copy of a statement or deposit made before 2013, email: and mark it for the attention of the Rights of Way team.
Results 281 item(s). Page 1 of 15
Landowner statements/deposits and DMMO register
CA 16 2/23: West Dean Estate
CA16 1/15: Eastlands Park
CA16 1/16: Green Trees Hall and Farm
CA16 1/17: Kidney Brooks
CA16 1/18: Costells Wood
CA16 1/19: North Road
CA16 1/20: Lower Beeding
CA16 1/21: Harts Farm
CA16 1/22: Costells
CA16 1/24: Lodge Farm
CA16 10/14: Slinfold
CA16 10/16: Wephurst park Farm
CA16 10/17:The Old Pump House
CA16 10/18: Pangdean Farm
CA16 10/19: Adur estuary
CA16 10/20: Balcombe Estate
CA16 10/21: Uppark Estate
CA16 10/22: Pallingham Manor Farm
CA16 10/23: Thakeham Place Farm
CA16 11/14: Crosby Farm (Formerly Rowfold Farm)