Some of our family hubs run 'early years' hubs. These make it easier for families with children under five who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to access advice, guidance, services and activities at one convenient location.
They bring together parents, carers and practitioners from health, education, social care and the voluntary sector to:
- coordinate services as early as possible through a 'keyworking' approach
- make sure everyone involved is aware of the overall needs of the child and the family
- reduce the need for parents or carers to explain their situation more than once.
Our hubs can support families:
- whose has child has complex or multiple needs relating to his or her learning or physical development that are persistent and ongoing
- that have a West Sussex County Council-boundary home address (including looked after children)
- that are receiving, or are about to receive, multi-agency input from two or more targeted services
- that need help with information about local services and activities
- that want their child to be able to access specialist toys
- that want advice about benefits they may be entitled to.
To find out more, seeĀ Support for families.
Activities and resources
All family hubs host 'play and learn' groups, full of opportunities for your child to explore and learn through play. It is also a chance for you to meet other parents and carers.
In some hubs, specialist therapies are available from health partners.
Sensory play equipment is available during the sessions and many have a sensory area you can use.
All centres are wheelchair accessible. Some hubs also have hearing loops.
Contact details
Contact a family hub with an early years hub for advice or support: