I have the final EHCP but I am unhappy

What to do if you are not happy when you have reviewed the final EHCP.

You have a right of appeal against some elements of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The letter you receive with your final EHCP will explain how you can register an appeal.

There is also an option of formal mediation, which we will set out in your letter. You should have a conversation with the mediation service (which is entirely independent of the local authority) before you can lodge a formal appeal.

TheĀ Special Education Needs and Assessment Team (SENAT) always like to resolve concerns before you lodge an appeal though. Please contact your planning coordinator to let them know what you are not happy about. He or she may meet with you to discuss your concerns or involve a colleague to help us resolve them.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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