Campaign label - What your campaign is

ZZ - Reference campaign (Do not edit or delete)

Summary - add a brief description of your campaign here (shorter than the 'introduction').
Contact Link Caption

Introduction - Add a clear description of what your campaign is about.

Campaign panel

This can be used on its own if you have a smaller amount of detail that will be easily read, rather than a 'Campaign tab folder' and tabs, where text can be broken down to smaller parts, but with more detail.

You can also add more than one Campaign Panel if you need to.


Make links descriptive so that screen reader users know what they will find if they use the link.

The examples below are a reference for 'dos' and 'don'ts':



Campaign tab folder

Campaign Tab

Campaign Tab

Add your tab details here, but bear in mind that too many tabs will result in them overlapping on the live page.

Long tab titles will also add to this effect, so aim to keep them as short and concise as possible.

We recommend a maximum of 4 tabs to alleviate the above from happening.


Download folder

  • Test PDF file 1

    Add some descriptive text here for the file, but try to keep this short and concise.

    Download now
  • Test PDF file 2

    Add some descriptive text here for the file, but try to keep this short and concise.

    Download now

Gallery folder

Video folder

By playing this video YouTube may set cookies.

WSCC Trading Standards and Scamp

Always ensure you deselect the 'Show suggested videos when the video finishes' and select the 'Enable privacy-enhanced mode' options as standard practice. Due to accessibility legislation, you will need to add a 'title' to a video. (See embed code for details.) You can add the same title used when the video was uploaded to YouTube, but if that title does not really convey what the video is about, consider adding a better one. This also applies to news items. Also add captions or check the automated captions are correct/amended. Note that audio files must also have a transcript.

By playing this video YouTube may set cookies.

Video two

Summary text here

Our opening hours

Monday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Tuesday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Wednesday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Thursday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Parking at County Hall

Monday: N/A
Tuesday: N/A
Wednesday: N/A
Thursday: N/A
Friday: N/A
Saturday: Daily charge upon entry
Sunday: Daily charge upon entry

Contact us

The Communications Team can answer any press enquiries.


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