Call the Shots on Alcohol

Take the DrinkCoach test

Jamie's Story

Jamie Stevenson took control of his drinking with the help of an Alcohol Wellbeing Advisor from West Sussex Wellbeing. The 54-year-old from Chichester said: “The face-to-face meetings and conversations were key in helping me to reduce my alcohol intake, and to build my self-esteem. My wellbeing advisor was thoughtful and non-judgemental, and we agreed on possible practical solutions so that I felt in control.

Read more of Jamie's story.

Take control

You may enjoy a drink at home to relax or unwind, but the amount you consume can easily creep up without you noticing. Over time, drinking more than you realise can start to affect your health, wallet, and relationships.

Now’s the time to reflect on your at-home drinking. Call the Shots on Alcohol and make choices that work for you.

Check in with yourself

It’s simple to get started. Take the free and confidential DrinkCoach Alcohol Test. It only takes 2 minutes, and you’ll understand your drinking patterns—and what they might mean for your health.

Feeling like you want to make changes? Explore the free DrinkCoach services or find tailored support through West Sussex Wellbeing.

Why it’s worth cutting back

Making even small changes to how much you drink can bring quick wins and long-term benefits:

  • Feel better: More energy, brighter skin, and no morning grogginess.
  • Save money: Cutting down means fewer trips to the off-licence.
  • Sleep better: Wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

Protect your health: Lower your risks of high blood pressure, liver problems, cancers, and more.

Small changes, big impact

Making small changes to your drinking can make a big difference.

Try these tips to take control:

  1. Have a plan: The DrinkCoach app helps you set a weekly unit limit and stick to it.
  2. Switch: You can swap drinks to no or low-alcohol alternatives.
  3. Keep going: It might take time to get used to the change from your usual choices.
  4. Hold off: Wait for your evening meal before you have a drink.
  5. Give it a rest: It’s recommended to have at least three drink-free days each week.
  6. Know your units: It's safest not to drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week.
    That's around 6 medium (175ml) glasses of wine or 6 pints of 4% beer. Do you know how many units are in your favourite drink? Try the DrinkCoach calculator.
  7. Find alternatives: Alcohol can make stress and anxiety worse. Exercise and interests are great ways to relax and unwind.

Find support

Ready to Call the Shots?

Free, confidential support is just a click away. With DrinkCoach, you can access one-to-one coaching sessions with alcohol specialists—whenever and wherever suits you.

If you live or work in West Sussex, use the promo code WSWELL for free sessions. Find out more on the DrinkCoach website.

If you live outside West Sussex you can find local alcohol support by visiting Drink less - Better Health.

Taking control of your drinking can lead to feeling healthier, happier, and more in control of your life. Every small change adds up, whether it’s more energy, better sleep, or enjoying time with loved ones without the fog of overindulgence.

This is your chance to reflect, reset, and take positive steps forward. By making mindful choices now, you’re investing in a brighter, healthier future—for yourself and the people who matter most.

It’s time to call the shots.

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