The training providers and qualifications document below shows the different early years and childcare qualifications and levels being offered.
These include Early Years and Childcare qualifications as well as the Award in Preparing to Work in Home-based Childcare, GCSEs, and functional skills testing for Maths and English.
Select the links to the training providers websites to find out more information.
Training providers and qualifications (Excel, 21KB)See the Guide to childcare qualifications to find:
- a brief overview of the qualification levels
- the statutory framework within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which sets out the qualified staff to child ratios for working within the EYFS
- frequently asked questions about the qualifications required
- the Early Years Qualification Finder to check if existing childcare qualifications are full and relevant.
Please see the Childcare qualifications funding to find out about:
- the Advanced Learning Loan
- student finance
- employing an apprentice
- becoming an apprentice
- the apprenticeship levy.