1 Overview
Our courses are aimed at all settings caring for children under five years of age including:
- nurseries
- pre-schools
- childminders
- maintained nursery schools
- before and after school clubs and holiday playschemes
- schools delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Early Years training courses and network events are available as either webinars or face-to-face.
The webinar joining link and the pre-course task (if required) will be attached to the Learning and Development Service course place confirmation email. Please open this email on a tablet or computer rather than a phone, as the links/materials are not always visible on a phone. If you do not receive the email, please check your junk mail and then contact early.years.training@westsussex.gov.uk.
Pre-course tasks, such as reading or collecting items from the setting to bring to the session, are compulsory and must be completed before the course to gain a certificate of completion. Details are available in the course description on the Learning and Development Service.
If you are booking a place for a colleague, please ensure that you inform them of any pre-course task requirements.
Refer to the documents below for details of our training programme:
- Early Years training brochure (PDF, 5.8MB) - Full overview of our face to face courses and webinars, including dates, times and venues, as well as information on how to book and cancel places.
- Early Years course calendar (PDF, 120KB) - A list of our face to face courses and webinars in Excel format that you can filter by date and location.
- Network events (PDF, 643KB) - We offer free network events throughout the year. These events are available to any setting; nurseries, preschools, schools and childminders working within West Sussex.
2 Online training courses
We have a variety of online courses available at a subsidised price of £10.00 per login. You can purchase an unlimited number of logins.
To access our online courses:
- select an online course via our online course brochure (PDF, 254KB)
- make a payment, choosing the £10.00 rate
- email us telling us the course title, your name and your setting name.