Advertise Early Years and childcare jobs

How Early Years and childcare employers can advertise jobs through West Sussex County Council (WSCC), Department for Work and Pensions and Jobcentre Plus.

1 Overview

If you are an Early Years and Childcare employer, you can now advertise your staff vacancies through various platforms. These include:

  • the WSCC partnership job page
  • the Department for Work and Pensions Find a Job platform
  • Jobcentre Plus.

Jobcentre Plus are also able to offer further support with recruitment.

4 Recruitment support from Jobcentre Plus

Jobcentre Plus (JCP) can support you with your recruitment needs.

They offer a free recruitment service for employers and can also provide a dedicated local Employer Advisor who can create a bespoke recruitment package to suit your needs.

JCP can also promote your vacancies, both online and within their Job Centres, identifying suitable candidates to fill your vacancies.

JCP can create work trials and other tailored recruitment packages to suit your specific needs.
You can contact the JCP Employer Services Line by:

You can find more information on how JCP can help your business in the employer pack below.

Contact your local JCP for more targeted support and guidance for your local area:

More information about how JCP may be able to support your recruitment needs:

Last updated:
23 July 2024
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