What to do when someone dies

Our bereavement guidance covers who to contact and any action to be taken.

2 What to do if the death occurs at home

1. Contact the family doctor

In most cases the doctor will issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD), together with a formal notice stating he or she has signed the certificate. You can then book an appointment to register the death.

There are some cases when the doctor cannot issue the certificate, for example, if:

  • the deceased was not seen by a doctor during their last illness or within the 14 days before they died
  • the cause of death is uncertain
  • the death was sudden, violent or caused by an accident
  • the death was caused by an industrial disease.

Under these circumstances the doctor may report the death to the Coroner and a post-mortem may need to be arranged. In certain circumstances an inquest may also need to be held.

In the case of an expected death, it is likely that the body can be collected by your appointed funeral director.

If the matter has to be referred to the Coroner it will be the Coroner’s body removal contractor who will collect the body and take it to the body storage facility.

2. Contact the police

If the death is violent, accidental or there are suspicious circumstances you must contact the police. In these cases the matter will automatically be referred to the Coroner.

3 What to do if the death occurs in hospital

The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) will be issued by the hospital doctor, unless the Coroner needs to be informed.

Once you have the certificate, you can book an appointment to register the death.

The hospital will keep the body in the mortuary until arrangements can be made for it to be taken away by the funeral director or the Coroner.

4 Arranging a funeral

A funeral can be a burial or cremation. You can make arrangements as soon as you feel able to, either yourself or with the help of a funeral director.

If the death has been reported to the Coroner, this may affect the date when the funeral can be held.

Check whether the deceased's will contains instructions for the funeral. Also check whether the deceased had made funeral arrangements and paid for them in advance.

If you are the next of kin, and there are no specific instructions about who is expected to do so, it is up to you to make the funeral arrangements.

Taking into account the deceased’s wishes, you will need to decide:

  • which funeral director to use (if any)
  • whether the deceased is to be buried or cremated
  • where the body will rest until the day of the funeral
  • whether there will be a funeral service
  • whether you want flowers for the funeral or donations to a named charity
  • who will conduct the service
  • where the funeral service will take place.

6 Who you need to contact checklist

When someone dies there are many organisations you may need to contact to tell them about the death.

A useful checklist is available on page 10 of the bereavement guide.

Organisations may require a death certificate to administer closing accounts, cancelling policies and so on. Certificates are available after you have registered the death.

Find out more

For more information, see GOV.UK's What to do when someone dies.

Last updated:
6 December 2024
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