Theme 2: Wellbeing, values and ways of working
Current focus points
Actions we are taking in the theme of wellbeing, values and ways of working and timescales for work to be undertaken
Enhance staff groups
Timescale for work: July 2020 - April 2021
- Engage with staff group leads on review.
- Establish common terms of reference, ways of working, role and purpose for each staff group.
- Appoint Diversity and Inclusion Lead to support staff group activity.
- Establish Director sponsor for each group.
Promote dignity and respect
Timescale for work: July 2020 - June 2021
- Provide support and tools for managing change empathetically.
- Develop dignity and respect policy and provide support, guidance and signposting.
- Refresh whistleblowing policy and guidance.
- Implement “always on” channel.
- Establish “Workforce Champions” to support staff locally.
- Implement improved exit interview arrangements.
Support mental health and wellbeing
Timescale for work: August 2020 - February 2021
- Table Mental Health (MH) for agenda of senior Council meetings every six months.
- Promote MH initiatives and training to all employees.
- Commence communications campaign to encourage employees to talk about MH in the workplace.
- Line managers include MH and wellbeing as part of 121 meetings.
- Introduce ‘wellness action plans’ for employees experiencing MH challenges and/or those returning from long-term sickness absence.
- Recruit and train MH First Aiders across the organisation.
Demonstrator projects
Timescale for work: March 2021 to TBC
- Scope Demonstrator Project and identify Senior Responsible Officer.
- Seek volunteers from across the organisation to take part in the project.
- Undertake discovery activities to identify what works well/less well with current arrangements and what our staff would like to see in the future.
- Develop interventions and approaches to build on the findings from the discovery activities.
- Implement the new approaches.
Increase smart working
Timescale for work: July 2020 - March 2021
- Establish New Ways of Working Group to take forward learning from working differently through COVID-19.
- Identify key projects to be delivered that will capitalise on the learning gained during COVID-19.