Archived County Local Committees and Area Committees

Archived agendas and minutes for disbanded County Local Committees (CLCs) and Arun Joint Area Committees.

1 Overview

County Local Committees (CLCS), and the equivalent joint area committees in the Arun area, were a mechanism the County Council used to engage with its citizens, customers and communities and offer them the opportunity to access and influence decision-making on local issues.

They were replaced with seven more informal County Local Forums.

On the following pages are:

  • links to minutes and agendas of committees that existed until 2021
  • downloadable minutes and agendas for earlier committees.

Please note: archived minutes and agendas for each meeting will be available for six years.

2 Adur area

Adur CLC

3 Arun area

Arun joint area committees functioned in the same way as all other CLCs, except that their membership also included local Arun District Council and parish councillors.

Joint Eastern Arun Area Committee

Joint Western Arun Area Committee

4 Chichester area

North Chichester CLC

South Chichester CLC

5 Crawley area

Crawley CLC

6 Horsham area

Chanctonbury CLC

North Horsham CLC

7 Mid Sussex area

North Mid Sussex CLC

Central and South Mid Sussex CLC

8 Worthing area

Worthing CLC

Last updated:
12 August 2024
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