Staff skills, training and use of expertise
Effective use and development of expertise.
All staff, including teaching assistants, make a positive contribution to the progress of children and young people.
Examples of good practice
- Additional adults are deployed proactively. They are not necessarily ‘attached’ to one particular child, but all the adults work with all the children in the learning environment to scaffold independent learning. Their impact on the child or young person is monitored carefully to ensure progress is supported.
- There is clear and regular communication between all adults to ensure that the support given is appropriate to the environment and experience that are on offer to enable the child or young persons needs to be met.
- Grouping / seating arrangements and additional support are used to promote independent learning as far as possible.
- Strategies used in interventions are integrated into class teaching so that the child or young person can sustain progress.
- Staff are well trained and skilled in supporting children and young people with individual needs e.g. social, emotional and mental health (SEMH), general and specific learning difficulties.
- Adults review and evaluate the environment and how it is used by children and young people. Adaptations are made to support the child’s engagement e.g. adults modelling how to use equipment / learning areas or adapting the environment.
There is a plan for on-going Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in relation to the needs of the child / young person.
Examples of good practice
- There is a planned programme of ongoing CPD in relation to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and inclusion for the whole school / setting.
- Best practice is shared within the school / setting and with other education settings e.g. through locality networks, early years SENCO meetings SEND leadership forums, areas partnerships.
- All staff understand the process for gaining further advice and guidance as appropriate.
- Staff collaborate and have effective links with relevant agencies and specialists.
- All staff are aware of who to contact for extra support, advice and guidance within and beyond the school . setting e.g. for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), Inclusion Lead, Pastoral, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Early Help etc. In early years the Area SENCO role is carried out by the Early Years Childhood Adviser. They know where to find information on services and their school / setting in The Local Offer website.
- There is a clear process including observations and classroom monitoring for expressing concerns and referring onto advisory services and external organisations, which is understood and followed by all in a timely manner.
- The school / setting is aware of, and regularly communicates with, any other professionals who are involved with each child or young person.
- Advice received from other professionals, including parent carers, is used to inform teaching and learning and is recorded, reviewed and adjusted over time to ensure that child / young person achieves the best outcomes.