Leadership and management

The school and settings provision for SEND, those with additional needs and disadvantaged groups is well-led and managed.

  • Provision for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), including those with additional needs and disadvantaged groups, is well-led and managed.

    Examples of good practice

    • Governing bodies/trusts and the leadership team ensure that all staff are supported through effective professional development. This includes advice, guidance and support to understand their role in supporting children and young people with SEND, additional needs and those from disadvantaged groups.
    • The school / setting has a shared comprehensive SEND and inclusion training programme that enables all staff to understand their statutory responsibilities regarding SEND legislation and the Equality Act 2010. Staff must have an understanding of children, young people and their families with protected characteristics as outlined in the Equality Act 2010, including those from minority ethnic backgrounds and proactively seek to support inclusion of all.
    • Staff are confident that the senior leadership team, including governing bodies/trusts and support staff, are knowledgeable about inclusion of all children and young people and that this is reflected in the vision, values and practice. The senior leadership team takes a supportive, pro-active stance towards inclusion on a day to day basis and actively problem solves to overcome barriers to enable all children and young people to achieve their potential.
    • The leaders of the school / setting, as well as the SENCO, act as champions for inclusion of all children and young people.  Effective mechanisms are in place to keep governors/trustees up to date and well-informed about the impact of provision that has been put in place for those with SEND, additional needs and children categorised as disadvantaged. Staff are aware that governing bodies and trusts have a role to ensure that legislation is appropriately adhered to and hold leaders to account for provision and outcomes for those with additional needs. All staff are aware of the discussions which are accurately documented in governing body/trust minutes.
    • The school’s/ setting’s own Local Offer is available for parent carers to view. It details how the needs of children and young people with SEND or additional needs will be met. In schools the SEND Information Report is published on the website and updated annually. All staff understand its content, the role they have played in the development of the SEND Information report and are involved in its annual review.
    • The school has a nominated Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), who is either part of the school’s leadership team or liaises regularly with it. The SENCO supports all staff to develop their inclusive practice, for example, by supporting class teachers to assess, identify and meet needs as part of the assess, plan, do, review cycle (graduated approach).
    • Within the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) early years sector, the Early Years and Childhood Advisors (EYCAs) act as the Area SENCO. The EYCA provide advice, support and challenge to PVI settings in order to enable the inclusion of all children.
    • Within the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) early years sector, the Early Years and Childhood Advisors (EYCAs) as as the Area SENCO. The EYCA provide advice, support and challenge to PVI settings in order to enable the inclusion of all children.
    • All staff understand that governing bodies/trusts have a responsibility to monitor attendance and exclusions for all children and young people to ensure equality of access to education. Staff contribute to this process by providing accurate information in a timely manner.
    • The school / settings inclusive ethos is reflected in all policies and procedures.
  • Leaders are ambitious for children and young people with additional needs and this ambition is shared by staff.

    Examples of good practice

    • Staff know that they work in an inclusive school / setting, where diversity is valued and welcomed, and can provide examples of how they establish and maintain and inclusive environment within day to day practice.
    • Leaders ensure that the curriculum is well planned to give all children and young people the knowledge and skills they need to be independent, achieve their goals and contribute to their community. In early years settings, the early years foundation stage informs the curriculum.
    • The curriculum is planned to meet the needs of the children and young people within the setting, considering intent, how plans will be implemented and reviewed to determine the impact on individual children.
    • The curriculum design and implementation consistently reflect leaders’ high aspirations for all children and young people, including those with SEND, additional needs and from disadvantaged groups.
    • The school / setting regularly reviews its provision and the experiences offered to ensure that no child is disadvantaged by not being able to access the full range of experiences as a result of SEND, additional needs or disadvantage. This includes the parent carers ability to pay for additional activities.
    • Staff provide information in a timely manner to enable leaders to evaluate the provision and participation in after-school and extra-curricular activities, to ensure that children and young people, including those with SEND, additional needs and from disadvantaged groups are benefiting from these experiences.