Assessment and individual planning
A regular cycle of 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review, formative assessment and managing access arrangements.
A regular cycle of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ is used to ensure that all children and young people are achieving the best outcomes.
Examples of good practice
- Staff are aware of children and young people’s starting points, next steps and targets so that progress towards outcomes can be measured.
- Children and young people’s strengths, interest and difficulties in learning and behaviours are observed and monitored in different settings and contexts for a short period of time to inform planning. For example, during assembly, lunch, lessons, breaktime, home-time and extra curricular clubs. In early years settings, observations, assessment and planning are built on a shared understanding of the child’s strengths, interests and next steps at home.
- If a child attends more than one early years setting, these settings share information and planning in order to support a more consistent experience for the child.
- Planning considers the needs of the cohort. Cohort assessment data is reviewed in order to identify any gaps in provision e.g. differences in attainment by particular characteristics (gender, ethnicity, area of disadvantage) or learning area. If gaps are identified, the environment, curriculum or teaching strategies are modified to improve outcomes. The impact of these changes on outcomes for children is regularly reviewed.
- All children and young people have equal opportunities to experience the full curriculum.
- Assessment is used to inform planning and interventions.
- Regular review informs next steps.
- Consideration is given for individual children and young people’s developmental trends e.g. The Boxall Profile Assessment, Thrive. Case studies are used to demonstrate holistic progress.
- Appropriate tools which capture the ‘voice of the child’ are used to ensure that effective support is put into place. E.g. Person Centred Planning and One Page Profiles.
- Children and young people are helped to recognise and value their achievements and understand their own barriers to learning. Children and young people are encouraged to identify and use support strategies to overcome their barriers.
- Where appropriate, children and young people understand and can contribute to the next steps and /or targets they are working towards.
Staff ensure that formative assessment and feedback are a feature of daily practice. This is reflected in marking and assessment policy.
Examples of good practice
- Experiences take into account prior learning and interest and is based on assessment for learning.
- A wide range of assessment strategies and tools, including observational assessments, are used to ensure a thorough understanding of the child / young person and their starting points.
- Children and young people have regular opportunities to reflect upon their own achievements and learning.
- Children and young people’s records e.g. learning journals, electronic systems, demonstrate the next steps in their learning journey.
- Within marking there is clear communication about what the child / young person needs to do next in order to improve.
- The impact of interventions is critically evaluated. Alternative approaches are explored to establish whether they may result in better outcomes for the child or young person.
Expertise is in place to manage access arrangements for tests, national tests and public examinations (where relevant).
Examples of good practice
Schools and settings make adaptations to access arrangements as part of their everyday practice and share these with parent carers at the earliest opportunity. Class teachers identify children and young people who may need assessment for access arrangements and refer to the appropriate member of staff in their school.
Procedures are in place for informing parent carers about access arrangements.
Where children and young people meet the criteria for access arrangements, these should be in place for all forms of assessment throughout the year. This is used to establish their normal way of working and there are systems in place to make sure this is consistently implemented. The school / setting refers to relevant exam board guidelines. Arrangements could include: rest breaks, use of a reader / scribe / laptop, extra time and quiet space.
Adapted resources or equipment that are used in assessment conditions are the child or young person’s normal mode of accessing learning.