Vehicle Activated Signs

Request the installation of a Vehicle Activated Sign.

A Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) is a road sign usually triggered by the speed of a vehicle. They have demonstrated to be a valuable tool to reduce speeds and the risk of collisions.

The Department of Transport advise that the use of VAS should be considered only when safety cameras and related signs are not an appropriate or cost effective solution to help prevent accidents related to inappropriate speed.

Requests for Vehicle Activated Signs

For requests and further information visit our Apply for a community highways scheme page.

We will consider the installation of a sign if a site can demonstrate a casualty reduction benefit and the site has a history of collisions involving speed.

Site assessment involves consideration of the following factors:

  • what has been tried previously and what other options there are
  • the condition of existing signing and road markings
  • adequate forward visibility to ensure minimum 5 seconds' travel time
  • acceptable location in relation to adjacent properties and width of verge
  • safe access for maintenance
  • electrical supply - we already specify 'green' source of energy through our supplier and therefore solar power is only specified as a last resort
  • signpost design to ensure compliance with current standards for safer roadside street furniture.

If appropriate, we will support community initiatives to install privately funded signs through developer contributions or parish councils.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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