Repair and reuse with The Big Fix in May

Residents in West Sussex are being encouraged to reduce their waste by repairing and reusing items instead of throwing them away.

Fixing a desk lamp at a Repair Café

Release date: 02 May 2023

Running throughout May, The Big Fix not only aims to promote existing Repair Cafés across the county but also teach residents how to fix items at home so that fewer items end up as waste.

The event, which was started by Recycle Devon, sees skilled menders fix broken items such as electronics, garden equipment, clothing, jewellery, clocks and much more to give them a new lease of life. Due to its huge success, The Big Fix is now nationwide with 10 West Sussex Repair Cafés already registered to participate.

The County Council is supporting The Big Fix by highlighting the dates, times, and locations of established Repair Cafés as well as hosting an online forum for Repair Cafés and residents to connect and share tips and tricks on how to repair items.

Deborah Urquhart, West Sussex County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, said: “Reducing waste, encouraging reuse, and increasing recycling rates are all important elements of Our Council Plan. The Big Fix not only helps people to reduce waste but also to save money by repairing old items and passing on skills to allow people to fix their own items in the future.

“Repair Cafés are increasingly popular as people become more budget and environmentally conscious. They can also help to lower our carbon footprint, by reducing the need for new raw materials and the energy needed to manufacture new items.”

Repair Cafés are organised and run by volunteers who offer their time and skills providing refreshments, and helping to mend broken items keeping them in use for longer.

For more information on Repair Cafes in West Sussex and for tips and tricks on repairing items at home, click here.

Find your nearest Repair Café in West Sussex using our Community Climate Map.

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