YoungMinds (Young Minds) Shout Textline
Primary phone number
08088 025 544
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If you are a young person struggling to cope, Shout can provide 24/7 text support. For help, text SHOUT to 85258. Whatever you are going through, if it matters to you, it matters to us.
We aim to connect every texter to a trained volunteer in less than 5 minutes to provide support in a crisis. They will listen to you and help you think through how you're feeling, and will aim to help you take the next steps towards feeling better.
What we do
- Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3, Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus.
- The trained volunteers will introduce themselves, reflect on what you've said, and invite you to share how you're feeling. You'll text each other, only sharing what you feel comfortable with.
- By asking questions, listening to you and responding with support, they will help you think through your feelings until you both feel you are now in a calm, safe place. You might be signposted to other services so that you can continue to get support.
- Our crisis messenger service could help with urgent issues such as suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying and relationship breakdown.
- You can text us free and anonymously - although if the volunteer believes you are at immediate risk of harm, they may share your details with people who can provide support.
Wheelchair accessible
Free to use