Young Voices Youth Voice Projects


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We are all about young people having a say in a creative way, using your own unique strengths and talents, and building your confidence to get yourself heard.
Our projects help to shape services for young people with special educational needs and disabilities in West Sussex and are a great way to meet new people, develop your skills, share what is important to you, and show what you can achieve. We are inclusive of all, and do not have an eligibility criteria for taking part.

What we do

  • Sign up to get our mailing list and find out what's on including online Zoom sessions, creative and crafts sessions, sensory play , quizzes, polls, face to face social activities and online projects.
  • All activities are free. Friends, brothers and sisters are also welcome to come along.
  • You need to register to take part in our events and projects. Sign up online and find out more on the website.
  • Events and groups are informal and accessible . We welcome all young people with SEND , additional needs and/or a neurodivergence . You don't need a diagnosis or EHCP, all welcome!
  • Sessions and events include arts activities and games so young people can communicate their views in a relaxed and creative atmosphere. We also offer opportunities to develop your skills further and represent young people as a Youth Ambassador.

Age range


Wheelchair accessible


Free to use


Requires application


Our users say

Amazing day! - Young person
Young people's voice helped give real examples of the young people we were talking about as well as examples of views. Professional

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