Yoof Club - Chichester Community Development Trust
The Water Tower, Graylingwell Park, Chichester, PO19 6BZ -
sarah@chichestercdt.org.uk -
Primary phone number
01243 537 526
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Join us at our weekly Yoof Club for drinks, snacks, and social interaction. It's a fantastic way to spend your evening.
What we do
- This vibrant club provides an opportunity for young individuals aged 11 to 16 to come together, chat, listen, have fun, and unwind with like-minded peers. Dr. Walker, our youth leader brings his legendary presence to the Yoof Group every week.
- Every Wednesday during term time from 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
- Please note that we have a limited capacity of 15 so book to secure your place (Graylingwell Chapel website).
Age range
Wheelchair accessible
Free to use