

West Sussex County Council does not endorse or quality-check external services listed on Local Offer. Find out more on our Terms and disclaimer.

dhpayroll provides a comprehensive payroll service for those in receipt of direct payments and personal health budgets. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are available by phone, email or LiveChat to offer support and guidance on becoming an employer and will be with you every step of the way.

What we do

  • Payroll only - payslips produced and all documents provided for the employer to make payments. Workplace pension obligations administered for free.
  • Payroll and payments - as above but we will also make payments to staff, HMRC, pension provider and other third party agencies on your behalf.
  • Payments only - payments processed to care agencies or other third parties on your behalf.
  • Contact us to find out how we can best support you.

Age range


Wheelchair accessible


Free to use


Requires application


Our users say

I have been a client of the dhpayroll Team for many years now and they have always been incredibly helpful and supportive and given me the most incredible guidance and advice, from day one!!!
I am so lucky and so happy to be working with them.

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