Aspens Children and Young People's Service (Short Breaks Provider)


This organisation is part of West Sussex County Council's Short Breaks offer. Find out more about Short Breaks.

Short Breaks provide children and young people on the neurodevelopmental pathway (including but not exclusive to ASC, ADHD, SEMH, developmental trauma) the opportunity to develop the skills required to become independent and confident young people. We offer a range of support (listed below) to young people aged 8-18 years living in West Sussex who may be in or out of education.

What we do

  • School Holiday Programme:Venue based sessions run through the school holidays, offering the opportunity to engage in fun activities and socialise in a safe environment. Running in : Adur and Worthing, Arun, Mid Sussex, Crawley and Chichester
  • Family Activity Sessions: Fun sessions for the whole family in a welcoming and friendly environment. Run throughout the county.
  • Girls Group: Term time, venue based session in Worthing designed specifically with young females in mind. Enabling them to expand their self awareness, independence and social experiences.
  • Saturday Group: monthly group in Worthing which enables young people to access a fun and relaxed yet structured activity session
  • A young person must be between the ages of 7.5 and 17.5 years old on application. A formal diagnosis is not required, however, it might be a quick assessment is required to advise regarding eligibility.

Age range


Wheelchair accessible


Free to use


Requires application


Our users say

'A Short Break allows me to spend quality time with my other children. Aspens has had a huge impact on our family, before their involvement I felt isolated and exhausted. Quote from a parent whose child attends one of our Saturday clubs.'

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