Anna Freud
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Primary phone number
02077 942 313
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Anna Freud is a world-leading mental health charity for children and families. Our vision is a world where all children and young people are able to achieve their full potential. A world in which they and their families get support that is designed with their input, available at the right time, and meets their needs, so that they can develop their emotional and mental health.
What we do
- Our mission is to close the gap in wellbeing and mental health by advancing, translating, delivering and sharing the best science and practice with everyone who impacts the lives of children and families.
- Compassion. We strive to empathise with the experiences and feelings of others, reflecting constantly and with humility to honour the trust we are given.
- Inclusivity. Children, young people, and their families are at the heart of everything we do. We listen and learn from them, and from those who support them in education, social care and health, and across statutory, voluntary and community services.
- Creativity. We are imaginative in how we build new understanding, strengthen relationships and develop our skills as the foundation of excellent practice.
- If you need support, you can text AFC to 85258.
Age range
Wheelchair accessible
Free to use