About SEND and Local Offer
West Sussex Local Offer is a service provided by the West Sussex County Council (WSCC). It lists local services and information for children and young people with additional needs or special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25, their families and professionals.
SEND areas of need
The areas of need for people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and how to support children and young people.
SEND jargon buster
Our glossary of commonly used SEND acronyms and what they stand for.
Legislation and statutory guidance
Details of the SEND code of practice, our strategy and information report and the Children and Families Act.
Local Offer privacy notice
How we handle data that you provide to the Local Offer.
Working together to improve the Local Offer
We want to improve our Local Offer and respond to the needs of families.
Practitioners' guide to SEND
Providing social care workers an introduction to relevant Special Educational Needs and/or disability services for people aged 0 to 25.