Millie, Apprenticeship Assistant

Millie tells us about her journey with ADHD and dyslexia and the support she's received from WSCC.

Please could you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hello, my name is Millie and I joined West Sussex in May 2023 as an Apprenticeship Assistant as part of the HR and OD Apprenticeship team. I am currently studying Business Administration Level 3 through West Sussex County Council, to give me more experience and understanding of administration.

I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my time here so far; there is never a dull moment, or a moment I haven’t enjoyed and I’m gaining both personal and professional growth.

Could you please describe your neurodiversity?

I was diagnosed with dyslexia in primary school and then more recently diagnosed with ADHD through Access to Work when I moved into this current role.

The main way I describe my neurodiversity is that I approach situations and tasks differently, always striving to assist others and empower them. I’ve always stood out for being creative, talking or expressing my thoughts and feelings and I believe in being open about my challenges.

While it may be difficult, it is certainly not impossible, we all face struggles in our lives, and mine was just determined early on.

There are positives to my unique way of thinking. It has granted me the confidence to effectively communicate and present my ideas. There may be times where I can’t do things as well as other people, and I have to consistently give 100% and then some, but it doesn’t stop me.

The way I see it is everyone in life has something we find challenging, even though my dyslexia was decided for me, I’m grateful for it allowing me to explore avenues I might not have otherwise, helping people and finding things I’m passionate about.

I have always been fortunate enough to have a strong support system around me. My family has taught me how to express my needs to others and be open in what would aid my work and enable me to achieve.

How have you been supported by WSCC?

I have experienced a great deal of support at WSCC so far.

The equality, diversity and inclusion have been great in ensuring to include access to necessary work resources and installing software that allows me to do my work more effectively and I have a dyslexic keyboard, which helps me do my day-to-day role.

I’ve also worked closely with our equality and diversity lead, Aaron who has been really helpful and has provided me with opportunities to provide feedback on things that might help for the future.

Having a supportive team around me has been amazing, they’ve spent time trying to understand me and have given me the opportunity to talk about neurodiversity challenges in staff meetings, really helping to educate people on what it’s like. My manager is also very supportive and has set up dedicated time to understand how I work and assist me if I need it.

West Sussex County Council has also recently set up a neurodiversity staff network which is amazing.

WSCC has prioritised my comfort in my new role, ensuring I have everything I need to do my job and they allow flexible working and home working. Their main goal has been to ensure I’m fully supported and integrated into the team.

If there is one myth you could bust about your neurodiversity, what would it be?

There is no need to hide or worry about your needs, whether you identify with neurodiversity or not. We’re all human and sometimes we might need an extra hand or an extra push to get us there, whether that be 10 minutes or a few years of extra development, we deserve that.

We should be open and honest about what we require support to develop on. We were not ashamed as children to seek assistance in learning how to walk and talk, so why should we be embarrassed now?

Careers are centred around personal and professional growth, and being open about your areas of need will enable you to progress and flourish.

For anyone with a neurodivergence looking to join WSCC, what would you say?

Do it!

I strongly encourage you to pursue this opportunity as the company provides excellent support and promotes a favourable work-life balance. Furthermore, it offers long-term stability and valuable growth opportunities, both personally and professionally.

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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