Damian, Support Worker

Damian tells us about his role as a Support Worker at Stanhope lodge and why he chose to join West Sussex County Council.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Damian. I am a Support Worker at Stanhope Lodge within Adults’ Services at West Sussex County Council.

Before this, I supported adults with learning disabilities at an intensive support unit for nearly nine years.

What inspired you to become a Support Worker?

I just wanted to support people and be a part of their lives, helping them as individuals. I also wanted a role where every day was unique.

Why did you choose to work for West Sussex?

West Sussex County Council offers employees great support and we are trusted to do our jobs. I can set my own goals and am supported to achieve them.

There isn’t just a flat wage, as we receive lots of enhancements for working unsocial hours, bank holidays and weekends. West Sussex also offers a great pension scheme, so I know I won’t have to worry when I reach retirement.

If you decide that you want to make a move to a different role, or progress, you will be assisted and supported by the organisation to find something suitable to your knowledge and experience.

What would you say is good about working as a Support Worker at West Sussex?

Every day as a Support Worker is different, so you never get bored.

I can finish my shift knowing that I have done something good for the person I have supported that day and made this person happy, calm and less anxious in some way.

Is there a piece of work or anything you’ve done in your role that you’re particularly proud of?

I’ve been supporting individuals that have, on occasion, been a danger to themselves, or to me, and I am proud to have learnt how to act in these stressful situations: staying calm and using knowledge, I have learned from various training courses I have attended.

How has West Sussex supported your learning and development and career progression?

We are very well trained. There is mandatory training that we must complete, where you learn about the job, policies and laws. There are also great opportunities to attend extra training if you are interested in expanding your knowledge if you find an area interesting.

If there is one myth you could bust about Support Workers, what would it be?

That this is not a proper job and that it is just personal care. This is not the case at all.

We are supporting people with learning disabilities with so many different aspects of their lives, every day and every night. We help them have a great life, regardless of their disability and challenges.

What would you say to someone who is considering joining West Sussex?

Everyone is welcome to talk to us, so you can get as much information as possible about our jobs and opportunities.

We have all been there, going into the unknown, but WSCC is different. You will be fully supported in your new job role. Managers and colleagues are very supportive, friendly and helpful.

Come and speak with us and find out if this place is for you!

Last updated:
24 June 2024
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