Multi-Agency Risk Assessment conference (MARAC)
What is a MARAC?
A MARAC is a regular local meeting to discuss how professionals can help/support victim-survivor(s) at high risk of domestic abuse. We call these meetings MARACs, but they are also referred to as a multi-agency risk assessment conference.
Domestic abuse specialists (IDVA), police, children and adult statutory services, health, probation, substance misuse services and other agencies attend a multi-agency meeting. They discuss the current concerns and each share information they hold on a victim-survivor, any connected children and perpetrators of abuse.
The meeting then formulates an action plan for the victim-survivor to help reduce the risks that may be posed to them and their family.
MARAC - roles and information sharing
- to share information to increase the safety, health and wellbeing of all identified victims; the referred adult or young person aged over 16yrs and any additional child or adult victim(s);
• to determine whether the perpetrator poses a significant risk to any particular individual or to the general community;
• to construct jointly and implement a risk management plan that provides professional support to all those at risk and that reduces the risk of harm;
• to reduce repeat victimisation;
• to improve agency accountability; and
• improve support for staff involved in high risk domestic abuse cases.
- to share information to increase the safety, health and wellbeing of all identified victims; the referred adult or young person aged over 16yrs and any additional child or adult victim(s);
Consent is not required for a referral to MARAC. Cases and concerns discussed at MARAC present a potential threat/risk to a victim-survivor(s) life and therefore there is a justification for proportionate information sharing to take place. Agencies signed up to the West Sussex MARAC Operational Protocol and Information Sharing Guidance can share information they hold on parties referred and discussed at MARAC. For more information see; (links to WS OP/ISG / Safe Lives information).
If you have any questions or queries regarding the MARAC referral and meeting process, please contact the MARAC Support Team by e-mail –