Whole school approach

How the MHST can support you to develop your whole school approach

You are already doing great stuff in schools. There are a number of ways that we can support you. Here are a few examples: 

  • We have developed a whole school approach to emotional wellbeing and mental health reflective tool. The tool is designed to be meaningful and easy to use to help you to identify what is already working well in school and areas that you would like to develop. 
  • Staff training and development in areas of emotional wellbeing and mental health. 
  • Peer group supervision for mental health leads to provide a safe supportive space to share practice and problem solve together. 
  • Promoting staff wellbeing – we offer a range of activities for schools including staff wellbeing sessions for staff, senior leadership team and governors, we can support with the setting up of working groups and identifying resources and signposting. 
  • Working with parents/carers, e.g. psychoeducational workshops, coffee mornings. 
  • Working with children and young people, e.g. psychoeducational workshops, assemblies. 
  • Student-led approaches and pupil voice, e.g. peer mentoring, co-production of resources, digital stories to gain autistic pupils’ voice. 
  • Creating a safe and supportive ethos and environment in schools which respects diversity and inclusion, including supporting schools to support LGBTQ+ and BAME pupils. 
  • Promoting quality assured resources around emotional wellbeing and mental health. 
  • EBSA consultations.