Staff wellbeing

Ideas and resources for staff wellbeing.

"Good staff wellbeing is essential for promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing and is known to have a positive impact on children’s academic attainment."

Nagieh et al. 2015


In a thriving school or college senior leaders will: 

  • have a staff wellbeing policy in place which has been co-produced with staff members from all areas of the school and is a living document that is actively referred to
  • value the views of staff, collate these regularly and act upon them
  • ensure staff have opportunities to reflect on the emotional impact of their work in a format that is separate to line management, such as supervision or peer-group support
  • have clear communication policies, which allow staff to speak to senior leaders
  • foster a sense of belonging in the school through team development opportunities 
  • find ways to reduce staff workload  
  • encourage staff to have a healthy work-life balance
  • celebrate staff as individuals and allow staff members to develop their strengths  
  • foster an ethos of collaboration and support 
  • ensure that all staff are treated with equity 
  • have an appraisal system in place which is strengths based and focuses on realistic and meaningful targets 
  • have designated spaces in the school where staff can take breaks and feel relaxed

Getting advice

Getting risk support