Performance and development

Theme 3

Our people have the knowledge, skills and competences to perform well. Staff have access to development, qualifications and opportunities for progression in a safe and supportive environment.

Where we want to be

  • All staff have consistent quality performance and development discussions.
  • Managers feel supported to have difficult conversations when required but performance is respectfully managed and not experienced as bullying.
  • Our people have the knowledge and skills and competences to perform well, access to development, qualifications and opportunities for progression in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Ensure line management practices in relation to development, performance management, reward and recognition reinforce our core values.

What we will do to achieve this

  • Embed good consistent people management and development tools and practices to ensure that we invest in our people to build the capability we need to succeed.
  • Embed modern performance management approaches so that all staff have good performance conversations and development support.
  • Our staff are key to the success of our organisation so we will invest in our people to build the capability we need to succeed. We will undertake a review of the Learning and Development provision, using the learning of COVID-19 to ensure the offer is modern, targeted to business need, and relevant.
  • Optimise our use of the apprenticeship levy to support our staff to develop their skills and careers within WSCC.

Benefit to staff

  • Staff feel valued in their employment at West Sussex County Council and are supported in their continuous development.

Benefit to residents

  • Staff who support residents and communities are supported to provide the best service that they can.

How do we know if we are performing well?

  • Staff survey data indicates that staff feel they are having regular meaningful conversations with their manager about their performance, wellbeing and support needs.
  • Staff survey data indicates that staff feel they have good opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in line with their role and aspirations.