Chichester Canal and Basin

Visit Chichester Canal and Basin.

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A restored canal and towpath between Chichester and Birdham, providing boat trips and canal-side walks.


Chichester Canal is a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI).

Since its abandonment in 1906 it has been relatively undisturbed and has acquired a rich wildlife associated with its mosaic of open water, marginal vegetation, banks and bordering hedgerows. Further information on the history of the Canal is available on the Chichester Canal website.

The canal forms an important aquatic and terrestrial wildlife corridor. It links areas of semi-natural habitat between Chichester Harbour and local gravel pits.

Some sections of the canal, particularly between Donnington and Birdham Road, have well developed reedbeds of Common Reed (Phragmites australis), a scarce type of habitat in the county and particularly important for some species of birds.

The canal has a well-established Water Vole (Arvicola terrestris) population, dependent on diverse layered bank side vegetation and permeable earth banks with areas that are undisturbed. The animal and its habitat are protected by law. Water Shrew, bats and a good number of dragonfly species have also been recorded.

How to find us

The Chichester Canal lies to the south of the historic Chichester city centre, within walking distance of the main shopping area and cathedral.

The area is accessible on foot, cycle, train and by bus. Rail and bus stations are within the Southern Gateway and a large, long-stay car park is situated just to the north of the railway station.

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