Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee to be given update on dental services in West Sussex

There will be an update on the impact of Covid-19 on dental services in West Sussex at the next meeting of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee.


Release date: 17 January 2022

There will be an update on the impact of Covid-19 on dental services in West Sussex at the next meeting of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee.

The Committee will meet virtually via video link from 10.30am on Friday, 21 January when it will hear how additional infection prevention and control methods had to be introduced to reduce the risk of coronavirus to dental teams, patients and the wider population.

Members will consider and feedback on the reports by NHS England and Healthwatch on access to dentistry services.

Committee members will also discuss and receive feedback on reports by the council and Healthwatch on the improvement programme put in place to develop the quality of customer service provided as part of the financial assessment for people in receipt of adult social care and support.

It follows a previous decision by the council to reassess the financial contribution made by working age customers towards the cost of their social care and support packages.

The full meeting agenda, along with copies of all reports to be discussed, is available on the council’s website. Members of the public will be able to watch the meeting via a webcast on the council’s public portal.

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